Initial Injury Response
Injuries are stressful to both employers and employees. We simply this process with a transport service that can bring your injured worker to us for treatment. We have a priority telephone line to allow you to contact us for an injury. Email notification is available if you are busy with your usual workload.
If you have an injury, give us a call and we will ensure that injuries will be seen within 4 hours of the incident. We ensure that your injured worker be medically assessed and an independent and comprehensive report is provided to you regarding the injury and the treatment required.
By legislation, the Injured Worker (IW) has the right to choose their treating doctor and your IW may return to see his/her doctor after the consultation. Our experience has been that most IWs are quite happy to continue seeing us after the initial consultation. We believe that we understand and manage injuries better than the average GP as Workcover injury management is considered a medical specialty that most GPs are not fully equipped and trained for.
Our experience has shown that 99% of injuries are quite genuine, however, not all injuries are managed optimally due to poor communication between GP and employer leading to time loss. Our ability to communicate directly with you gives your IW the confident to return to work on restricted duties with the knowledge that the employer understands their medical needs and physical limitation and will genuinely support them during their treatment and recovery period. This trust is the element of our ability to create an enhanced outcome.